Get rid of the cable, MIT push VHRMD ultra-high speed wireless transmission solution

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Institute of Computers and Artificial Intelligence (CSAIL) recently launched the VRHMD wireless transmission program "MoVR" system, players will not worry about playing VR "intensive sports" when the cable and disputes.

- "MoVR" system

"MoVR" will use a particularly high-frequency radio signal called "mmWaves" (millimeter waves) to achieve communication traffic with PCs at speeds of several Gbps or billions of BIT.

——Application of "MoVR" System

The "MoVR" system also has its drawbacks. If there are reflections or obstacles, it cannot work effectively. The research team is working hard to overcome this problem and make it not only used for VR wireless transmission, but also in the field of high-speed network (5G) and medical cancer diagnosis. It will also play an important role.

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