Why does the comparator oscillate like this?

The comparator looks quite simple. They compare the two signal voltages and set the output high or low accordingly. However, if the two input signal voltages are very close, even a little noise on the input signal will cause the output to oscillate between high and low

Da Peng VR surpasses HTC Vive, China’s market share ranks first

Dafen VR has replaced HTC as China's best-performing VR head-display manufacturer. Its shipment volume in Q2 2017 was 18,000 units, an increase of 30% year-on-year. HTC Vive shipped 14,000 units, down 6%. Sony ranks third, with psvr head-mounted shipments in Chi

The color TV industry chasing 8k technology, which need to cross?

With the upgrading of consumer demand and high-end development, large-size, picture quality innovation and process innovation have brought opportunities for the development of color TV market. According to data released by Ovid Cloud Network recently, the penetration ra