Note: Do not let the washing machine become a bacterial gathering place

Washing machine is an important cleaning tool in the home, but recently there have been many reports that the washing machine is listed as the five most neglected sanitary corners in the home. At the same time, many medical institutions have pointed out that washing machines have begun to becom

Solution of Bank Calling Mobile Phone Queuing System

Abstract: With the continuous development of banking business, people have become increasingly dissatisfied with the bank queuing service. For this, the project team has designed a bank calling mobile queuing system based on the current bank calling queuing system. A s

Where Are the IC Design Business Opportunities in Recession?

The IC design community lacks killer applications this year, and performance has generally fallen into the historical low-end range. However, with the rise of smart handheld devices and Ultrabook, wireless communication-related ICs such as WiFi, Near Field Com

LED status and outlook

LED status and outlook NPD DisplaySearch Shanghai Office, April 13, 2012 -- Recently, Taiwan's oil and electricity industry has seen double growth, making the energy-saving industry a h

New light source: an advantage that LEDs are often overlooked

We know that mercury is an extremely toxic substance. However, most of the high-efficiency electric light sources currently used contain mercury. The mercury content of various electric light sources is shown in the following table:

Support for key technical briefs in future in-vehicle safety systems

In the issue of ensuring the safety of drivers and passers-by, the proportion of electronics technology has increased. According to the survey, 80% to 90% of traffic accidents are caused by driver's cognition and misjudgment. The use of sensors, on-board cameras and navigation systems